If case you ever need to map your git remote back to an existing url do this:

> git remote -v

heroku git@heroku.com:protected-reef-4420.git (fetch)
heroku git@heroku.com:protected-reef-4420.git (push)
origin git@github.com:rasmus4200/agilenutshell.git (fetch)
origin git@github.com:rasmus4200/agilenutshell.git (push)

Right now heroku is pointed at protected-reef. But I want it to point to:


To do that is use this command:

> git remote add heroku git@heroku.com:hidden-ridge-8790.git

> git remote -v
heroku git@heroku.com:hidden-ridge-8790.git (fetch)
heroku git@heroku.com:hidden-ridge-8790.git (push)
origin git@github.com:rasmus4200/agilenutshell.git (fetch)
origin git@github.com:rasmus4200/agilenutshell.git (push)



Update: If you don’t have your heroku remote created, do this:

> heroku create
> git remote set-url heroku git@heroku.com:hidden-ridge-8790.git