Update – you can download the slide deck for this talk here.

I am giving a new talk on agile leadership this November in Calgary titled:

The surprising science behind agile leadership – why we do what we do

Nov 2 CAMUG Tuesday 6:30 – 7:30pm
Nov 3 APLN Wednesday noon to 1:00pm

I know the title sounds boring but I can assure you the topic isn’t. In this talk we are going to get into what agile leadership is, why it works (scientifically), and why it’s so hard sometimes to implement and practice at our companies today.

If you are in Calgary and free either day I would to see you.

Here’s the abstract for those of you who can make it.


Not everyone is a fan of the self directed self organizing team. It flies in the face of traditional project management, and often conflicts with the traditional organization model. The benefits of self directed teams however are too big to ignore and now we have scientific proof as to why. In this new talk on agile leadership, Jonathan explains how and why agile leadership works, the science behind why so many choose to work this way, and the impact it’s going to have on you and your organization.


Jonathan Rasmusson is the author of The Agile Samurai. As an experienced entrepreneur and former agile coach for ThoughtWorks, Jonathan has consulted internationally, helping others find better ways to work and play together. When not coaching his sons’ hockey teams or cycling to work in the throes of a Canadian winter, Jonathan can be found sharing his experiences with agile delivery methods at his blog, The Agile Warrior.

Slidedeck here.